November 2019 Happy Diabetic Challenge


I created the Happy Diabetic Challenge to help create a positive outlook, raise awareness, and provide inclusion for the diabetes online community. And since then, I’ve brought it back each year to celebrate Diabetes Awareness Month – November.

The goal is to raise awareness for how alienating, depressing, and difficult diabetes is, but with a twist, to turn all the negativity into POSITIVITY. It’s a fact that people with diabetes are 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with depression that non-diabetics ( So instead of focusing on the negativity and how much diabetes sucks, I challenge you to find a silver lining each day in November. It won’t always be easy, but each day will become easier as you’re more aware of your positive mindset.

Here are the prompts for the 2019 Happy Diabetic Challenge

Here’s some guidance for each prompt:

  1. Introduce Yourself – This one’s pretty simple, share a little bit about yourself.
  2. Type of Diabetes – Did you know that there are over 10 different types of diabetes? Share which type you have.
  3. Diabuddy(s) – This is slang for friends with diabetes. Do you have any friends with diabetes? If not, get to know someone by using the hashtag #happydiabeticchallenge on instagram.
  4. Motivation Monday – What motivates you to stay positive, to take care of yourself, etc…?
  5. Diaversary – Years with Diabetes – Again, more slang for diabetes anniversary. How long have you had diabetes?
  6. Diabetes Hero/Heroine – Who inspires you? Is it someone famous with diabetes, or someone on social media or maybe it’s a family member or friend?
  7. #throwbackthursday Diabetes Style – If you’ve had diabetes for a while, you might have some crazy stories to share on how you used to have to manage diabetes, like boiling syringes. Or maybe you have a funny story to share!
  8. Diabetes & Work – Take this one however you want to. Is your workplace accepting of your diabetes? Do you know your rights
  9. Weirdest Comment – What’s the weirdest/craziest thing that someone has said to you regarding your diabetes?
  10. Diabetes & Mental Health – Do you know much about the link between diabetes control and mental health? Share your experience.
  11. Go-To Meal – Do you have a go-to meal that’s easy on blood sugars? Share with everyone!
  12. Favorite Low Carb Snack – Again, share your FAV low carb snack! Not sure of any? TypeOneGrit has a great Pinterest page full of yummy ideas.
  13. Medical ID – Do you wear one? Either way, why?
  14. World Diabetes Day
  15. Blue Friday – Wear BLUE, the color that represents diabetes. Check out the #insulin4all shirts from T1International.
  16. Day in Emojis – Not sure what an emoji is? Contact me!
  17. Favorite Diabetes Book – Do you have a favorite book related to diabetes? I recommend 2 of them on my links & resources page.
  18. Where are you from? – Actually, I hate this question. I was born and raised in Minnesota, but I lived in Germany for three years. I belong in both places, so where am I from?
  19. Diabetes & Technology – CGMs, implantable CGMs, insulin pumps, smart pens, etc. Do you use any?
  20. Biggest Supporter – Who has your back?
  21. Favorite Diabetes Gear – There’s a ton of cool products out there. Anything you can’t “live without”?
  22. #followfriday Who inspires you?– Give a shout-out to someone on social media who you look up to – for any reason!
  23. Society & Diabetes – How does your society and culture view diabetes? I LOVE this prompt, especially to see the cultural differences, but I am reminded at how cruel the world really is.
  24. Three Positives – I know you can do it. Name three positive things that diabetes has shown you.
  25. Cost of Living with Diabetes – How costly is diabetes, financially, mentally, etc…? I wrote about the financial aspect here.
  26. #insulin4all – T1International  – Surely you’ve heard of T1International, one of the only diabetes non-profits who does not accept $$$ from big pharma. They are the driving force behind the #insulin4all movement in the United States. Learn more about T1International.
  27. Exercise & Diabetes – Yeah, we should all probably get a bit more exercise in. But how do you manage your diabetes with the kind of exercise that you enjoy most?
  28. What are you thankful for?  – It’s Thanksgiving Day in the USA, so what are you thankful for today?
  29. Diabetes Goals – We should all have goals related to our diabetes. How else do we hit targets and maintain great control. Create SMART goals and go break them! Read more about setting diabetes goals.
  30. Beyond Diabetes – Let’s forget about diabetes for a day. Who are you, beyond diabetes?

Still have questions? Let me know in the comments below.

And don’t forget: like, share, SCREAM, tag, repost, etc, to help raise as much awareness as possible. Let us be heard during OUR month!


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