November 2017 Happy Diabetic Challenge

SnapseedEDIT: This is the 2017 Happy Diabetic Challenge! You can find the 2018 prompts here.

A few months ago, I started the Happy Diabetic Challenge, which ran for 100 days. It was an amazing experience with great feedback. So for the month of November, I would like to bring the Happy Diabetic Challenge back!

Why November? And why the Happy Diabetic Challenge?

Well, I chose November because it’s Diabetes Awareness Month. In Fact, November 14 is World Diabetes Day. So, there’s no better month, really.

I created the Happy Diabetic Challenge to raise awareness for how alienating, depressing, and difficult diabetes is, but with a twist, to turn all the negativity into POSITIVITY. It’s a fact that people with diabetes are 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with depression that non-diabetics ( So instead of focusing on the negativity and how much diabetes sucks, I challenge you to find a silver lining each day in November. It won’t always be easy, but each day will become easier as you’re more aware of your positive mindset.

Feel free to use the below daily prompts, or take the path less traveled:


Please tag your pictures with #happydiabeticchallenge so we can all follow along!

Use any social media outlet that you’d like, I’ll be using Instagram. And don’t worry if you miss a day. Stick with it as best as you can! Before you know it, you’ll be the most positive diabetic around!



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